Did you Know Turmeric Can Minimize The Occurrence Of Colon Cancer?

Turmeric is a kind of spice that is pretty much known and often used as a spice in cooking. Turmeric is also easily available and cheap."The yellow naturally in turmeric, called curcuma, believed to be the anti-cancer agent and has anti-inflammatory effects (dampen inflammation that may contribute to tumor growth) Curcuma may also help cleanse the body of carcinogens before damaging the DNA of cells and help repair the damage already done.

Lab studies show this spice also helps stop the growth and spread of cancer cells."No recommendation is recommended, but you just need to use it more often in the mix of cuisine, In addition to turmeric, green tea is also useful as one of the drinks to anticipate the onset of colon cancer. Lab studies show the compounds in green tea good tea and black tea help disable cause of cancer. The compound was also able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. 

It should be noted that green tea contains antioxidant compounds called catechism. In addition to turmeric and green tea, there are still a lot of food that become the main enemy of colon cancer or colon cancer. 

1. Beans, lentils, peas, and other foods high in folate 
Besides being rich in fiber, food was also high in folate and B vitamins that protect cells from damage DNA. According to a Harvard University study involving almost 89,000 women. Those who have a family history of colorectal cancer and taking more than 400 mcg (micrograms) of folate each day, 52 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than women who consumed only 200 mcg of folate daily. 

2. Milk Milk has a very vital role in building strong bone growth. 
Not many know, the milk also may help protect against colon cancer. Research involving more than half a million people showed drinking at least a cup of milk every day can reduce the risk of colon and rectal cancer by about 15 percent. 

3. Vegetables from the cruciferous family 
Type of vegetable in question include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, radish. Vegetables This group is the most powerful cancer-fighting because they contain a variety of compounds which repel cancer, which damage the DNA of cells. 

4. Wheat, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber 
Although there are no studies that definitively can prove the benefits of fiber to prevent colon cancer, but experts still encourage a person to eat more than 15 grams of fiber each day. That's because fiber can quickly assist food passes through the digestive system, so that if there are foods that are carcinogens, food that does not stay long in the digestive tract. 

5. Fish and Chicken 
Various research shows evidence of an association between red meat consumption and the risk of colon cancer. Do not be afraid to eat meat, because meat chicken and fish can be pilhan alternative. Results of the study of the EPIC show that eating at least 300 g of fish (two or three servings) a week can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 30 percent. 6. Garlic and onions Garlic may not be able to protect from a vampire, but it can help expel colon cancer. Both garlic and onions contain sulfide, which helps to clean carcinogens and cancer cells.

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