The New Most Popular Shop Souvenir in Bali

Bali has an amazing diversity of tourist attractions, starting with natural tourist destinations and customs traditions, besides that other destinations that are no less unique such as culinary tours, shopping tours, and contemporary tours found on this Island of the Gods.

Their new business is located on the Island of the Gods named The Basket of Bali. The Basket Bali is a tourist destination and is a new choice for local and foreign tourists to complete the holiday experience in Bali.‘Bali in one basket’ is the main concept of The Basket of Bali. Combining education, entertainment, culture and technology in one place, tourists can enjoy a different and most complete shopping experience in Bali. Not only being a paradise for souvenirs, visitors will also be presented with a tourist experience nuanced by ‘Heaven Village’. Langit Kampung Langit ’is a tourist park that is above the first sky in Bali.

Well, The Basket is actually not 100 percent complete Friend Traveler. The second and third floors have not been opened. Even so, the first floor is quite complete. I myself was quite surprised when I tried to come here. It turns out it’s really crowded shopping for souvenirs. Oh yeah, here later there will also be a food court Friend Traveler. But unfortunately, it is still in the process of developing aliases not finished. But don’t worry, the souvenirs available here are very complete. Starting from food, beauty products, and other items all here. I myself had seen some mandatory souvenirs from Bali, such as Dhian Milk Pie and Salak.

Different from other souvenir shops in Bali, The Basket brings a different concept. The interior seems more fresh and colorful. Everything is designed according to the theme or item offered. For example, the souvenir portion of the chips where the storage is made is similar to cracker jars. Some LED-style writings also adorn the walls and walls of The Basket. Oh yes, Friend Traveler, this place also provides special photo spots for visitors.

No need to be confused about choosing a place to pose, just follow the yellow circle that says ‘Best Photo Spot’.

The results are guaranteed to be cool. All photo spots that are here also fit the theme, you know. Suppose that Friend Traveler is in the pie section, then the surrounding wall will be striking with a pie shape decoration. Another Friend Traveler, all the prices of souvenirs here are not included in the items. What do you do? So each item has a barcode, you just have to scan the available tools to see the price. Cool too huh? That is a bit of my experience traveling in The Keranjang, a brand-new souvenir center in Bali that has unique decorations. How is Friend Traveler interesting?

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