Tari Pendet

Tari Rejang
Rejang dance is a type of dance performance danced en masse and sacred so danced by girls who are still sacred, often carried out by the little girl six years old. The dancers led by a stakeholder who danced at the front. The stakeholders behind the rows of dancers Rejang dance while holding a thread carried by the stakeholders. Gamelan Semar gamelan accompaniment using Pagulingan.Rejang dance religious ceremony is held at the temple, merajan or Rejang sanggah.Tari there are various forms, for example: Rejang Dewa, Rejang Renteng, Rejang Bengkol, Rejang Regong, Rejang Lilit, and others. Similarly tabuhnya, consisting of several Gabor, for example, Gabor Longgor, Selisir Gabor, Gabor Bebancangan, and Gabor Ganjur. The last part Tari Rejang usually followed by a war dance that uses a variety of weapons such as: Spear, Gada, Chakras, Bajra, Bandrang, and so forth. This war dance ends innuendo Tirtha (holy water) from the Sulinggih.
Dance sanghyang a sacred dance that serves as a complement to the ceremony to drive out the plague that hit a village or area. There is one thing that is very interesting in this art, that players will experience a trance at the time of staging. In such circumstances it is they danced, sometimes on the embers of the fire and further around the village to drive away plague. The performances usually done at night until midnight. There are several kinds of Dance Sanghyang Dedari namely, Sanghyang god, Sanghyang Deling, Sanghyang Dangkluk, Copyist Trance, Trance Cleng (wild boar), Sanghyang Memedi, Bungbung Trance, Trance Kidang, Sanghyang Janger, Sanghyang Sengkrong, and Sanghyang Jaran. Trance dance is a dance trance (kesurupan)because possessed spirits
(celestial nymphs and other animals that have destructive powers such as wild boar, monkeys, or who have other magical powers). This dance is a Pre-Hindu cultural heritage which is intended as a repellent danger, is to open spiritual communication of citizens with the supernatural. This dance is performed by dancers daughter or son to the accompaniment of a choir of men and women who sing the song-song worship. In the area of Sukawati-Gianyar, this dance is also accompanied by Gamelan Palegongan.
Tari Topeng
Mask (Topeng) dance is a dance performed by dancers wearing masks. This dance is usually performed by a single dancer or a group of male dancers in the grand ceremony. There are two types of mask dance the Mask Dance Mask dance Pajegan and Wali. Pajegan mask dance is a sacred dances were danced when there are certain ceremonies. Meanwhile, guardian mask dance is a dance to entertain and usually tells about old stories Balinese traditional kingdoms.As dance has sacred values, old mask dance usually performed in ritual piodalan warning. At the memorial is held every six months in the Bali calendar system, this dance will be staged in conjunction with other types of mask dance into a single unit called the five masks. In addition to the old mask, the mask consists of five royal mask, hard mask, hard mask bues, and figure penasar (storyteller). In addition to staged as part of religious rituals, mask dance old and some components of the five other masks are also staged in the shorter format as a non-ritual dance.
Tari Baris
Baris dance is a sacred dance as a complement in a religious ceremony. Baris Dance is a dance of heroism to prove a person in terms of physical maturity. A man of maturity evidenced by demonstrating proficiency in soldiering though usually accompanied by proficiency in playing a weapon of war. There are the two types of the Baris dance Single and Baris Tombak.In its development, around the 19th century, appeared a new variant of the dance Baris, ie single Baris dance. Single Baris dance is a non-sacred dance performed as a folk entertainment. Single Baris dance performed by 1-2 dancers and is characterized by the movement of the dancers are more energetic and more colorful. Baris dance can be characterized from used clothing dancers. The dancers, all men, using a triangular crown decorated shells are lined up vertically on top. In addition, the dancer's body wrapped in colorful costumes that look loose, hanging down, and rests on the shoulder. Costume or dress will expand when dancers doing the twist with one leg, giving a dramatic effect in a choreography that was delivered.
Tari Kecak
Kecak dance was created in 1930 and is a dance that is mostly played by men. Balinese dance illustrates the line of apes help Rama against Ravana. The dancers in the circle is wearing a plaid cloth like a chess board around their waist
as a troop of monkeys. Because the story is taken from the Ramayana then there are other dancers who portray Rama, Shinta, Ravana, Hanuman, and Sugriva.
Tari Kecak is a form of dance that dance Babali that can be offered in a series of ceremonies Panca yadnya, or simply as entertainment.
Kecak is seen from the history comes from Trance Dance, which usually serves as a means of repellent diseases and also as a means of Balinese people against the threat of protective forces of evil, of course, contains a lot of values, both in philosophy and art and culture. The values contained in the Kecak is
1.Nilai religion
as a troop of monkeys. Because the story is taken from the Ramayana then there are other dancers who portray Rama, Shinta, Ravana, Hanuman, and Sugriva.
Tari Kecak is a form of dance that dance Babali that can be offered in a series of ceremonies Panca yadnya, or simply as entertainment.
Kecak is seen from the history comes from Trance Dance, which usually serves as a means of repellent diseases and also as a means of Balinese people against the threat of protective forces of evil, of course, contains a lot of values, both in philosophy and art and culture. The values contained in the Kecak is
1.Nilai religion
Kecak Bali community trust as one of ritual dance calling the goddess to ward off disease and also as a means of protection from evil forces. In this case the people of Bali are very trusting goddess to protect themselves from these threats. Dewi is usually invoked in this ritual is the Goddess Suprabha or Tilotama.
2.Nilai Aesthetics
In a work of art must have aesthetic value or beauty. It can be seen from the movement of Kecak dancers, the compactness of all the dancers. Harmony between song and movement that looks very rhythmic though without any musical instruments.
In the development Kecak dance not only as a holy or sacred as above, but also be a dance drama show which tells the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata. It is of course also an effect on the values to be conveyed to the audience Kecak.
Black-and-white philosophy in the Epic of Ramayana also further clarify the values contained in the Kecak dance. Because in the Epic of Ramayana is shown clearly between good and bad, in contrast to the Epic Mahabharata, which is the philosophy of gray.
2.Nilai Aesthetics
In a work of art must have aesthetic value or beauty. It can be seen from the movement of Kecak dancers, the compactness of all the dancers. Harmony between song and movement that looks very rhythmic though without any musical instruments.
In the development Kecak dance not only as a holy or sacred as above, but also be a dance drama show which tells the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata. It is of course also an effect on the values to be conveyed to the audience Kecak.
Black-and-white philosophy in the Epic of Ramayana also further clarify the values contained in the Kecak dance. Because in the Epic of Ramayana is shown clearly between good and bad, in contrast to the Epic Mahabharata, which is the philosophy of gray.
Tari Janger
Janger dance is a social dance Residents Bali which was created in the 1930. Janger beginning of the emergence of dance originated from singing bersaut-sautan of people picking coffee, where to eliminate fatigue meraka bersaut sing-sautan among a group of women from a very simple form is then developed and takes on a Dance Janger. Lyrics adapted from the song of Trance, a ritual dance. If categorized in Balinese dance, Janger including Balih-balihan Dance, dance to enliven the ceremony as well as entertainment.As it grows, Janger now also be performed by adults. There are dance groups whose members are adult women who act as Janger and Kecak. Janger also presented in the form of dance drama called Janger a story. The stories are played, among others, Arjuna Wiwaha, Sunda Upasunda and so on.Until now the scene of dance Janger contacts between the youth of the village to another village. Because developing in each community, emerging types of dance Janger flavored with its own style.
Tari Barong
Barong dance is a dance that depicts the struggle between virtue and vice. Manifestation of virtue played by Barong (dancers with costumes
quadruped), while the manifestation of evil played by Rangda (sinister figure with two pointy fangs in his mouth). There are several types of the Barong Dance Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal (pork), Barong Elephant, Barong Asu (dog), Barong Brutuk, as well as Barong-barongan. Barong has a feature which lies on the elements of comedy and mythological elements that make up the performing arts.
Tari Legong
A Balinese Legong dance with dance movement which is bound by the accompanying gamelan Gamelan Semar Pagulingan. Legong performing sacred values stored in the motion of the dance itself. Before the dance begins, the Legong dancer sitting on a chair in front of the gamelan, swung to the left and to the right, as a dance impersonation kerawuhan. Legong is still closely connected with religion, both in terms of history and performance. In this case, the same as the dance Sang Hyang. Religious values and beliefs associated with the Legong Kraton is Hindu Javanese culture. The culture is very different in nature when compared to the pre-Hindu culture in Bali whose expression revealed in dance Sang Hyang. At this time Legong relationship with the Hindu religion is very different in character. Legong is no longer a manifestation of the ancestors, as well as Sang Hyang, but the entertainment performed for the ancestors. In other words, Legong staged to entertain the leluhuryang down from heaven, including the kings who were present at the ceremony temple ceremony that comes every 210 days.
Tari Panyembrama
Dance created by the artist I Nyoman Kaler is welcoming guests dance, which is usually a special guest. This dance is performed by female dancers in groups. This dance movement that depicts the friendliness and respect. It was described at the time the flowers were sown dancer epitomizes welcome guests with a gesture full of warmth, joy, and respect
In addition to some of the dances that I just mentioned are still many Balinese dance lg which is well known to foreign countries.
quadruped), while the manifestation of evil played by Rangda (sinister figure with two pointy fangs in his mouth). There are several types of the Barong Dance Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal (pork), Barong Elephant, Barong Asu (dog), Barong Brutuk, as well as Barong-barongan. Barong has a feature which lies on the elements of comedy and mythological elements that make up the performing arts.
Tari Legong
A Balinese Legong dance with dance movement which is bound by the accompanying gamelan Gamelan Semar Pagulingan. Legong performing sacred values stored in the motion of the dance itself. Before the dance begins, the Legong dancer sitting on a chair in front of the gamelan, swung to the left and to the right, as a dance impersonation kerawuhan. Legong is still closely connected with religion, both in terms of history and performance. In this case, the same as the dance Sang Hyang. Religious values and beliefs associated with the Legong Kraton is Hindu Javanese culture. The culture is very different in nature when compared to the pre-Hindu culture in Bali whose expression revealed in dance Sang Hyang. At this time Legong relationship with the Hindu religion is very different in character. Legong is no longer a manifestation of the ancestors, as well as Sang Hyang, but the entertainment performed for the ancestors. In other words, Legong staged to entertain the leluhuryang down from heaven, including the kings who were present at the ceremony temple ceremony that comes every 210 days.
Tari Panyembrama
Dance created by the artist I Nyoman Kaler is welcoming guests dance, which is usually a special guest. This dance is performed by female dancers in groups. This dance movement that depicts the friendliness and respect. It was described at the time the flowers were sown dancer epitomizes welcome guests with a gesture full of warmth, joy, and respect
In addition to some of the dances that I just mentioned are still many Balinese dance lg which is well known to foreign countries.