Chinese New Year | Imlek 2566
Chinese festivals, whether based on seasons, myths about gods or ghosts, or a
combination of these, stem from a belief in worshipping the gods to appease
them and prevent misfortune. The biggest celebration is the beginning of the
Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year's celebrations in Indonesia, known locally
as Imlek and in 2015 will be held on 19th February. Incorporate customs, beliefs and practices brought to Indonesia by
Chinese immigrants who still follow the practices handed down from their
parents. Although Chinese New Year was not a national holiday on the Indonesian
calendar for many years, beginning in 2002, Chinese New Year became a national
holiday, to the pleasure of millions of Chinese Indonesians.

New Year is a time to show respect for those that have passed away and to reunite
with family members. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect
because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the family's
fortune. Within the ethnic Chinese community there are immigrants from many
regions throughout China. Each of these immigrant communities brought the
unique traditions of their hometowns to Indonesia. This diversity in origins
explains the diversity in the way Chinese New Year is celebrated by communities
throughout the Indonesian archipelago.
important part of the preparations for the holiday is the thorough cleaning of
the family home. This is important not only as preparation for the many guests
who are expected during the holidays, but also because it is symbolic of
sweeping away the evil sprits that might be lurking in dark corners or behind
heavy pieces of furniture that are rarely moved. All cleaning and sweeping must
be completed before New Year's Day, with the brooms and brushes out of the
house prior to the dawn of the New Year. Otherwise the family believes they
will have bad luck and a year of work and drudgery. Sweeping cannot be done on
New Year's Day for fear that good fortune would be swept away.

New Year's Eve family members gather to observe the customs and share a
traditional meal. Family members come from across town or across the Indonesian
archipelago to welcome in the New Year together, usually at the home of the
eldest family member. According to custom, the male head of the family leads
the family in making offerings to various house gods and family ancestors.
Respect is paid to the god of wealth and the gods of the well, bed, hearth and
other gods who the family wants to remain on good terms with. The offerings are
usually a variety of foods, cakes and fruits placed on an offering table,
placed outside the house. While holding the incense in both hands, each family
member would 'pai-pai' (bow down) three times to show respect and honor for the
house gods. Then the incense is placed in a holder on the offering table and
family members bow again to show respect and ask permission to enter the house.
offering table or ancestral table is also set up inside the house, if there is
a member of the family who has already passed away. A picture of the deceased
is hung above the table. In wealthier family's homes an entire room might be
used as an ancestral hall complete with altar and tables for each generation.
Small offerings are placed throughout the year to honor deceased family
members. On New Year's Day, however, the table overflows with a beautiful
display of food, flowers and the special dishes once enjoyed by the deceased
during his/her life.
Barongsai, the Lion Dance
may be common place on New Year's Day in other Asian counties, but they are
normally called to private homes or private parties for viewing in Indonesia.
Barongsai is a large dragon-like puppet measuring between four to six meters
that is manned by three or four dancers. The dancer that controls the head of
the Barongsai must be well versed in Kung Fu as many of the steps in the dance
resemble Kung Fu movements. Performers must have great strength and endurance
when using the larger dragons as they can weigh up to several hundred
Barongsai troop, consisting of at least 10 people, will arrive in a truck and
the accompanying orchestra can be heard long before the arrival. Drums, bells
and symbols provide music for the dance. Families are happy to be visited by
Barongsai because they feel it will bring them good luck. At the completion of
the dance the spectators place ang pau in the mouth of the Barongsai in
appreciation for the performance. Depending on the organization backing the
troop, most of the money collected is used for social work. With increasing
freedom to celebrate their traditional customs, Indonesian Chinese can now even
find special promotions in some Jakarta shopping malls during the Chinese New
Year season which may include a barongsai performance.